Whole Foods.
Because of my husbands love of farming, supporting the local economy, and just good food in general, we have made one of our favorite dates a common visit to the local Whole Foods. It is just a brief walk down the street, which makes it even more appealing, and they have fresh food made in a buffet style set up so we can pick and choose what we want to try.
We don't often buy our weekly groceries there, it's a little expensive, but we do like to treat ourselves every once and a while. Last night we decided to get ingredients for meals that only require 4 items per dish, from this really cool cook book we have. These are very luxurious dishes, rich in flavor.
I don't know if mushrooms were in one of our recipes, but just the mass variety of different types and the enormity of their cost, sparked our interest. Side note, Whole Foods lets you try anything you want. They will open anything and let you taste test it. Awesome. This made for some fun times at the amazing cheese counter when it was time to pick our Brie. Back to mushrooms. So, Chris decided to ask if we could sample the most expensive mushrooms. To our amazement, they gave us a handful to take home and cook, to experience the real flavor they have to offer. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING?!!? THAT'S LITERALLY $30.00 WORTH OF RARE MUSHROOMS!!!
Man, we are really going to miss Whole Foods.
who on earth is chris?
oh, and you can consider our front yard your own personal whole foods. feel free to take the fungus that grows there whenever you want.
Yeah, are you calling Krammy Chris? Is this something new now that he's becoming an Oklahomian? Boooooooooo.
I'm going to miss you and Chris/Krammy/whatshisname.
It's really for his family's benefit that I call him Chris. I think he would actually prefer that I called him that more, but I fell in love with him as Krammy, and I just can't break the habit.
pretty new blog. are you nesting already?
Hey friends! I found your blog and have enjoyed reading the posts! We loved having you guys over this weekend. Too bad you're moving so soon!!! :( We'll miss you in Nashvegas. Can't wait to see pics of the baby in a few months! Love ya!
good thing they have whole food in norman.
oh wait. nope.
but we have mushrooms and Pollan!!!
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