I at least didn't see it coming that quick. No lie, as soon as I put the computer down from blogging that last post, the second I hit "publish post", my water broke. Seriously I still can't believe it.
Sunday after noon, around four, Chris and I had just gotten home from a wonderful marriage retreated in Fort Worth and decided to take a much needed nap. (Ha, naps have a whole new meaning now!) I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions all weekend and my feet were the most swollen that had ever been. We laid down around 5:30pm, I woke up around 7:30pm and Chris slept until 9:30pm. Chris taking that long of nap was a total Godsend, he never takes naps like that. Around that time, our friend Doug called to see if we wanted to come over and play some games. (Our friends, Russ & Katherine Edwards were in town and we wanted to sneak in some extra time with them. Not to mention my husband can't resist a good game at the Servens.) We were both feeling pretty good, so we walked the 2 blocks to their house.
When we got there the boys played games and had a few beers, and Julie, Katherine and I talked about being Moms and the impending delivery, yada yada. 11:00 rolled around and I was feeling tired again and considered walking home alone. This wouldn't have been out of the ordinary, Chris often stayed later than me, and walking home isn't that long of venture. However, I decided to stick it out and do some facebooking and of course the Blog. That's when it happened.
Like I said before, it was only seconds between hitting "publish" and put the laptop on the coffee table, that I felt a pop and then a rush of fluid forming a puddle around me. For a split second, I considered the possibility that I had indeed urinated on myself. After surveying the amount of fluid, this notion quickly let my mind, and the words, "Oh my gosh...I think my water just broke" bubbled out of my mouth. All I remember is all four of the boys at the dinner room table standing up at the same time and just looking at me. (Did I mention that my water just broke all over my friends couch? Ahhh!) Some Krammy rushes over and helps me up and I just stand there in disbelief. It really did take a few minutes of convincing for me to realize that it actually was time, and that I wouldn't be walking home to "see what happens", but that I really needed to go to the hospital.
So that's what we did. We wrapped my bottom half with a towel and piled into the car, drove a few blocks to the hospital and checked it. It was 1:00am by this point.
We will save the rest of the delivery story for the next post.
I am glad for the details!!! I am also jealous that you live 2 blocks from the Servens, I didn't know you were living that close.
Can't wait to hear more about the delivery.
ah, the suspense. nicely done, d.
Haha the poor couch.
We want PICTURES dang it!!!
we had to take a shopvac to the couch and then pump all the water out but i think the living room will survive. ha ha.
seriously that was the most aweeeesooome thing i have seen in a long time. della standing in disbelief...krammy confirming that she did not just pee on herself...julie fresh out of bed and ready to drive to the hospital...
what a great trip to ok.
i think what is most wonderful and what has been looked over up to this point is the fact that you were wearing a towel-diaper on the way to the hospital!!! i would have loved to see that!
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