Saturday, February 9, 2008


I have ranted thousands of times about the subtle numbing effect of technology. For all of you who've suffered my harangueing, now is your time to gloat...

Today I joined Facebook.

A few days ago my brother gave me a call with a bit of shocking news. Two German friends of mine, with whom I've had little to no contact in the last five years, messaged him on facebook to ask if he was my brother (There were until today, only two other Kramedjians on Facebook.) and if he could get into contact with me for them.

So, he gave me an e-mail address and I got back into contact with one of these friends. Here's the catch- she said that I'd have to join facebook if I wanted to get in touch with Jo. Stinkin' dirty.

I crumbled. Please no one tell Wendell Berry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am finally reading my first Wendell Berry. I'm telling...
RK Sanger