Sunday, January 20, 2008

That Uncreative?

I don't know how many people actually read this thing. I don't track hits on this page or any other page for that matter. Not that I feign any grand philosophical argument against such things, but, for those of you (if you, the reader, do indeed exist and I am not writing to no one) who don't know me so well, my participation in the electronica nation has been lower than a snake's belly in a rut. Which is to say that the blogosphere is quite foreign to me. So, dear imagined reader, let me ask you a few questions.
Does one ask non-rhetorical questions in a post?
Do people post to be read or to foster community? Why do we post?
Should I aim for getting people to comment on this thing? And if so, what usually makes people comment?
Just wondering. I've never asked and who better to tell me than you?


J Stu said...

I used to think that it was about audience participation. Getting people to comment. But I think readers are just going for the rhetorical inquiries, in my own experience.

As far as why we bloggers blog, that's kind of up to you. Your own style. Some do it just because they like it. Others because they are really into themselves (which let's face it, aren't we all? that's a rhetorical qustion).

So, in my opinion, I think it's mostly to keep others informed with what's going on in your lives. Things that happen. Things you think, feel, do. Stories, pictures, anecdotes. Some struggles. That kind of stuff.

And I think the real goal is for you to enjoy it. BUT, I'll say the shorter posts are well received. Unless people REALLY love you, they're probably not going to read over 500 words in a single post. Short and to the point is generally well accepted.

SO. That's all on that. Keep truckin'.

J Stu said...

Oh, and separate your text out into a lot of little paragraphs. Nothing kills a readership faster than huge blocks of text. Ugh. Who wants to read that? This isn't English class.

Krammy said...

Thanks for the tips, John. I appreciate the honest and thoughtful answer.

corbs said...

Dear Krammy,
I will probably read your blog now that I know it exists. I exist too. See, I'm learning stuff in seminary.